Thursday, July 26, 2007
I went to the doctor the other day and found out that my lymph nodes are still enlarged and that the sarcoid is the reason, also that my thyroid problem is also probably affected by the sarcoid. I am feeling a whole lot better almost back to my old self but I think that is the anti- depressants working. I still am fatigued and have the pains under my ribs, but I will be just fine.
I have also decided to go back to college. I might as well since I really can't do to much else and I did love to go to college. I love history. Hopefully I can get a degree and start teaching history. I learned the love for history at the first college I attended and also when I visited Washington DC with my mom on vacation. It is time for me to do something that I would love to do and I don't think that a teaching job would be to strenuos and hard on me as long as I feel the way I do now I know can do it and that is what I am going to keep telling myself is that I know I can do it.
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right-Henry Ford
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
What in the Hell ???????
HATE is a strong word.
HATE is a strong word.
- Sports.
- Being sick.
- My husband in jail.
- Negative people.
- That I need to stop smoking.
- Not being able to work.
- Not having a vehicle.
- Having this disease.
- Death of loved ones.
- Tomatoes.
- Onions.
- Most reality shows.
- Being overweight.
- Sweating.
- Whining.
- Worrying.
- When my kids are sad.
- Alcholics.
- Drug abusers.
- The smell of burnt beans.
- 1981, Z28 Camaro.
- Liars.
- Cheaters.
- Thiefs.
- Unresponsible parents
- Everything my dad has put my family through for the past 30 years.
- That my husband cheated.
- That I have had to make excuses for some of my husbands behavior.
- My hair.
- My ankles.
- Seeing kids that are in need of love.
- Strawberries.
- Barney the purple dinosaur.
- Most country music.
- Britney Spears.
- Mosquitos and gnats and all bugs.
- Hollering.
- My daughters scream.
- Okay, this is getting hard.. I can't think of much else without getting to personal.
- Poopy diapers.
- My big wide ass.
- When the swing makes that aggrevating squeaking sound.
- Doing dishes.
- All housework.
- Taking my moms privacy away from her.
- The privacy that was taken away from me.
- The Kentucky river in TYRONE.
- Wild Turkey Distillery.
- My Dad.
Sheww !! finished. This is kind of a hard thing to do without getting really-really personal. I hope everyone enjoys. This was fun.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Things I love
1. My family
2. Music (certain kinds)
3. Watch my children playing with one another
4. Being able to have days where I feel in good health
7. Driving
8. Happy kids
9. Smoking cigarettes (the reason I can't stop)
10. This big cotton comforter that my mother has
11. Sitting in the swing and having long talks with my mother
12. My back rubbed
13. My hair played with
14. My anxiety medicine (took two tonight.... I WILL SLEEP TONIGHT)
17. Hanging out with my brother when he is happy
18. Listening to music with my husband
19. Cooking
20. Petunias (hee hee)
21. Days of our Lives
22. Harry Potter books (I've read them all)
23. I loved college
24. I loved my driving job
25. When my daughter will open up to me
26. When my son won't have anything to do with anyone but me (selfish a little???)
27. The smell of my kids and my husband after they have bathed
28. History
29. Watching my babies sleep
30. Living in a safe home
31. My cat
32. Clowns
33. Laughing
34. Steaks on the grill
35. When I don't have worries
36. The fact that my great grandfather held his great great grandaughter when she was a baby
37. When time goes slow
38. When I could breathe I loved swimming
39. Winter
40. Peanut m&ms
41. The color yellow
42. Pajamas
43. New socks
44. Money
45. Johnny Depp movies
46. Pillows
47. Clean bed sheets
48. When me and my husband are happy
49. When my family is happy
50. When my kids are happy
I will post the things I hate tomorrow this took a while. I am still thinking of things that I love or have loved. Everyone should try this it makes you feel pretty darn good.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Mama, Mama, Mama !
Mama, mama, mama, mamaaaaa!
My mother and I were sitting on the porch swing this evening watching my kids play in the yard. I looked down at my son who was sitting on the sliding board and thought to myself that he looked really sad. I looked at my mom and said to her "they are sad aren't they?"
My son is 18 months old my daughter is 4 years old, when my daughter was 18 months old she was bouncing of walls, spunky, very energetic and still is. My son seems to not have this spunk and energy that my daughter has. What is going on here? I try and keep him and her happy all the time but it seems like I can't keep either one of them happy anymore. My daughter has became so whiney and so smart mouthed towards me that I can't control it, or maybe I just don't know how. My son won't let me go for 2 minutes without hollering for me. Has my husbands being in jail affected my son so much that he has to be on my hip at every minute? Is my daughter blaming me for his being in jail and taking it out on me by being lippy with me?
I honestly thought that my son would be okay during this whole ordeal but I am beginning to worry. What is it going to be like when my husband gets home? Is my son not going to have anything to do with him? Is my daughter going to be pissed off at him and not have anything to do with him either? Is 30 days going to traumatize my children ? Has it already?????? I am so full of questions tonight (I should say morning) that I know can not be answered. I just needed to get them out.
I believe my health is getting better, either that or I am so busy that I don't even notice it. I do have a few new symptoms from this sarcoidosis, althought I think that this is just from the steroids. I think I have roid rage! I get so pissed off at times I could pick the TV up and throw it out the wondow (don't worry I can control this temper.....anti-depressants, nerve pills). I sweat all day long and I know I probably look like the stay puff marshmallow man from ghostbusters. I have been getting bad leg cramps and charlie horses that wake me up in the middle of the night just about every other hour on the dot. These hurt really BAD! Anyway, I will not let this disease overcome me. My babies need me more than anything right now, so I take my medicine as prescribed everyday and will continue to do so for my babies (and myself).
Only a life lived for others is worth living.-Albert Einstein
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
The Jail Visit
I went in with the attitude of a very disappointed, mad wife that was going to just let him have it. Well, I sort of did I don't know if anything I said sunk in or if anything I said really mattered because what matters right now are my babies. He walks in the room in a very becoming orange jumpsuit (his color all the way!) Immediately he starts crying. Damnit! that was not what I wanted to see or hear! Of course he's in jail he is gonna tell me everything I want to hear. He is going to feel sorry for hisself. He is going to cry and want sympathy. I have been in this situation before I will not let him rattle me or make me feel sorry for him. It has happened, he did this to himself but most importantly he did this to my babies!!!!!!! I will work through this. I am a good mother and I believe I am just now realizing how much of a good mother I am. I do now realize I don't need a man to raise babies it helps but I have had fun, my kids are clinging on to me and I am keeping them happy. My mama has helped me tremendously but basically I think she is trying to stand back a little and show me that I can do this on my own she lets me do it my way and I think it is working. Right now kids are in bed they have both had baths, both ate a good supper and usually at this time me and my hubby would just now be getting them ready for bed.
My Health
I went back to my doctor he says that the palpitations I was experiencing were anxiety attacks. He told me that sarcoidosis doesn't cause pain. He told me to double up on anxiety medicine and rest plllllppppppt. I have found a friend online here and we e-mail. She has set me up with a dr. in Lex. Ky that has some background with sarcoid YAY! I will keep you updated on that.
I am sorry I was late in your car I rushed home to get you the car. When I got to N*** A**** was asleep. I packed him in and let him sleep for 15-20 minutes (he was wore out and hot)I know I should've come straight home, but when I get around N** and everyone we like to visit and chat and it is hard to get away. It is also hard with two kids and managing time. I am sure that you already know this. I was never good with curfew growing up. I guess, I still aint! I will do better. Thank you for helping me so much! I really wish I had some way of showing you how much I am thankful but I am better at expressing that type of stuff written than spoken. This may change.... this miracle drug I am on- is starting to make a difference. I think I am becoming the old me! I hope so cause' I miss her!
Well I am tired. I will try and post again tomorrow. It is harder now to blog, I have less time I am a single mom for a month and I am going to make the best of it.
Good night all