Sunday, November 04, 2007
Filling you in
I haven't blogged since Sept. I figured I should probably fill all my blog fans (if I have any) in on what has been going on in my life since Sept. My health - I found out that the disease is in remission in my lungs but my lungs are still badly scarred which will still cause shortness of breath and a little pain, nothing I can't handle though. I have stopped my steroids. I wasn't supposed to but I could no longer handle the side affects. I now feel better since I have been off of the steroids. I don't think I will go back on them unless I get really bad again. I go and see a new pulmonologist on Tuesday to get refferals to the appropriate doctors to see if it is in my joints, muscles and bones- they suspect it is, due to my symptoms. My family - the kids are good. K*** has been talking in class and bringing home some incomplete papers and talking in class which was surprising! She can now count to 10 in Chinese and say several words already like panda bear, head, shoulder, knee, toes, hello, goodbye there are more words that she can say but it is hard to get her to tell you what she is saying, she can be stubborn like me. A**** is getting wilder by the minute! He is the most loveable little boy. I guess it is just something with little boys they truely are mama's boy's. R***** is working for a painter and doing really well the painter likes his work and has really helped R out alot. All in all I think things are getting better for us I just wish we were able to help mama out more with bills and with whatever else she will come.
Monday, September 10, 2007
It's been a while
I haven't blogged for a while now. I have been busy with school. I thought school online would be easier but I believe it is a little harder, due to the fact of not being inside a classroom. Nothing going on really, kind of boring around here. R is still working. I don't really care for third shift but hey, a job is a job. I thought my health was improving but I was wrong. I went to the dr. the other day and he listened to my chest and my back after I told him I was coughing again and sent me for an x-ray and I found out I have pneumonia. I told him that I had just had a pneumonia shot while in the hospital and he told me that those things were no good. Well, great I got a shot for no reason. Maybe he meant not good for me. I have heard of them helping some people but evidently, I am not one of them. Anyway, the kids are good and my mom is good I just wish I could get rid of this cough "HACK-HACK".
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Going to College
I haven't blogged in a while been really really busy. I have been doing alot since my last blog though. I will try and fill you in on everything that has been worth talking about. K*** started school Monday. She seems to enjoy it, she just isn't used to getting up that early in the morning. I get her up at 6 and every morning she has said "mama let me take a nap before school". Now when she gets home in the afternoon she has been wanting to take a nap but I haven't let her because it would be too hard to get her in bed at a decent hour.
My husband got out of jail he has really here lately been helping out around here a whole bunch. He has been keeping the house clean and really letting me rest to try and get rid of all the pains that I am having under my rib cage due to this damn disease. No, he still hasn't gotten his job back yet but they are waiting on the background check before they will hire him back to make sure that there are no more offenses against him which is understandable.
Also, I can tell that my mom is getting really really aggrevated with us especially with the kids. When they cry or interrupt her TV she makes faces. "Yes, mama I see you do it." I understand completely though she went from having total privacy to having her daughter and two babies in her home which is a full house. I am hoping that she just has a little more patience with us.
My health is not any better I had tests done on my hormone levels they came back normal. I had another cat scan on my lungs and it came back about the same. The dr. put me on a lesser dose of steroids and I think that going through the withdrawals from them is making me very achey and tired. I will make it though. I don't like to whine but sometimes I have too.
My son is doing great he is starting to use the potty and he is really starting to talk a lot more now. He is at the age that is the best he is so lovey and so funny.
I also started college back via online and have been enjoying that. Hoefully I will get a degree and do somewhere with my life. So I have been really busy the past few weeks. Going to school online is really pretty cool when you have kids it is a lot simpler than having to go to college and find a babysitter, gas money, and the time to do homework with them crawling all over you. Now I can get online at anytime during the day and do my homework when I am ready.
Well that is pretty much it. I will try and keep everyone updated on things and I will try and blog a little more later.
My husband got out of jail he has really here lately been helping out around here a whole bunch. He has been keeping the house clean and really letting me rest to try and get rid of all the pains that I am having under my rib cage due to this damn disease. No, he still hasn't gotten his job back yet but they are waiting on the background check before they will hire him back to make sure that there are no more offenses against him which is understandable.
Also, I can tell that my mom is getting really really aggrevated with us especially with the kids. When they cry or interrupt her TV she makes faces. "Yes, mama I see you do it." I understand completely though she went from having total privacy to having her daughter and two babies in her home which is a full house. I am hoping that she just has a little more patience with us.
My health is not any better I had tests done on my hormone levels they came back normal. I had another cat scan on my lungs and it came back about the same. The dr. put me on a lesser dose of steroids and I think that going through the withdrawals from them is making me very achey and tired. I will make it though. I don't like to whine but sometimes I have too.
My son is doing great he is starting to use the potty and he is really starting to talk a lot more now. He is at the age that is the best he is so lovey and so funny.
I also started college back via online and have been enjoying that. Hoefully I will get a degree and do somewhere with my life. So I have been really busy the past few weeks. Going to school online is really pretty cool when you have kids it is a lot simpler than having to go to college and find a babysitter, gas money, and the time to do homework with them crawling all over you. Now I can get online at anytime during the day and do my homework when I am ready.
Well that is pretty much it. I will try and keep everyone updated on things and I will try and blog a little more later.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Well, my husband gets outta jail tomorrow. K*** is excited to see her daddy. She is ready to go to bed so that we can get up early and go and get him. I am glad he is getting out but I really don't want the schedule that I have my kids on to get screwed up. So, he will be warned tomorrow that they are on a good schedule that they need to stay on! I think I have done pretty damn well since he has been gone. I thought at first that I wouldn't be able to do it by myself but I was surprised, I've done great although I get a little tired every now and then.
I went to the doctor the other day and found out that my lymph nodes are still enlarged and that the sarcoid is the reason, also that my thyroid problem is also probably affected by the sarcoid. I am feeling a whole lot better almost back to my old self but I think that is the anti- depressants working. I still am fatigued and have the pains under my ribs, but I will be just fine.
I have also decided to go back to college. I might as well since I really can't do to much else and I did love to go to college. I love history. Hopefully I can get a degree and start teaching history. I learned the love for history at the first college I attended and also when I visited Washington DC with my mom on vacation. It is time for me to do something that I would love to do and I don't think that a teaching job would be to strenuos and hard on me as long as I feel the way I do now I know can do it and that is what I am going to keep telling myself is that I know I can do it.
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right-Henry Ford
I went to the doctor the other day and found out that my lymph nodes are still enlarged and that the sarcoid is the reason, also that my thyroid problem is also probably affected by the sarcoid. I am feeling a whole lot better almost back to my old self but I think that is the anti- depressants working. I still am fatigued and have the pains under my ribs, but I will be just fine.
I have also decided to go back to college. I might as well since I really can't do to much else and I did love to go to college. I love history. Hopefully I can get a degree and start teaching history. I learned the love for history at the first college I attended and also when I visited Washington DC with my mom on vacation. It is time for me to do something that I would love to do and I don't think that a teaching job would be to strenuos and hard on me as long as I feel the way I do now I know can do it and that is what I am going to keep telling myself is that I know I can do it.
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right-Henry Ford
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
My son can break into or escape from anything. He can open fridges, cabinet doors, closet doors, and the worse thing is that he is opening and shutting the oven door! He opens closet doors, curio cabinets and likes to turn the TV on and off and reset all of the settings on it through the menu buttons. WoW! Only 18 months old and can already program a TV. He is getting to be a little terror! I have a baby gate up to our kitchen (to keep him from roasting his head in the oven)and this really isn't an answer because as soon as the gate opens terror is loose! So I thought of another idea a really great idea- it works!If anyopne that reads my blog has a 18 month old terror like myself and can't afford all the baby proofing gadgets that they have out there just go to the nearest Dollar Store and buy a couple rolls of DUCT TAPE!!!!! it works. Cheap and effective. Duct tape is now a new accesory in my mothers home. It is very elegant and comes in the fancy color gray! I think they have red and blue also if you aren't a fan of gray. Anyway, there is duct tape on the refrigerator door- so that he can't pull it open and drink all the mustard like he has been doing. It is on the freezer door- because he now moves the chairs over to the fridge and gets in the freezer. There is duct tape on the cabinet doors- so he won't decide to drink some pine sol. There is duct tape on the oven door- in case he decides to cook a roast. There is duct tape on the TV buttons and the TV stand- so that he can't delete me and my mothers daily dose of Days Of Our Lives. So the duct tape pretty much works on everything!
This is the only thing that it doesn't work on !!!!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
What in the Hell ???????
HATE is a strong word.
My last post I decided to do 50 things I love and this post was going to be 50 things I hate. Well, I decided that would be wrong.... I don't want to hate, so I will list things that drive me crazy or that I can't stand or that I just do not like.
HATE is a strong word.
HATE is a strong word.
- Sports.
- Being sick.
- My husband in jail.
- Negative people.
- That I need to stop smoking.
- Not being able to work.
- Not having a vehicle.
- Having this disease.
- Death of loved ones.
- Tomatoes.
- Onions.
- Most reality shows.
- Being overweight.
- Sweating.
- Whining.
- Worrying.
- When my kids are sad.
- Alcholics.
- Drug abusers.
- The smell of burnt beans.
- 1981, Z28 Camaro.
- Liars.
- Cheaters.
- Thiefs.
- Unresponsible parents
- Everything my dad has put my family through for the past 30 years.
- That my husband cheated.
- That I have had to make excuses for some of my husbands behavior.
- My hair.
- My ankles.
- Seeing kids that are in need of love.
- Strawberries.
- Barney the purple dinosaur.
- Most country music.
- Britney Spears.
- Mosquitos and gnats and all bugs.
- Hollering.
- My daughters scream.
- Okay, this is getting hard.. I can't think of much else without getting to personal.
- Poopy diapers.
- My big wide ass.
- When the swing makes that aggrevating squeaking sound.
- Doing dishes.
- All housework.
- Taking my moms privacy away from her.
- The privacy that was taken away from me.
- The Kentucky river in TYRONE.
- Wild Turkey Distillery.
- My Dad.
Sheww !! finished. This is kind of a hard thing to do without getting really-really personal. I hope everyone enjoys. This was fun.
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