Monday, September 10, 2007

It's been a while

I haven't blogged for a while now. I have been busy with school. I thought school online would be easier but I believe it is a little harder, due to the fact of not being inside a classroom. Nothing going on really, kind of boring around here. R is still working. I don't really care for third shift but hey, a job is a job. I thought my health was improving but I was wrong. I went to the dr. the other day and he listened to my chest and my back after I told him I was coughing again and sent me for an x-ray and I found out I have pneumonia. I told him that I had just had a pneumonia shot while in the hospital and he told me that those things were no good. Well, great I got a shot for no reason. Maybe he meant not good for me. I have heard of them helping some people but evidently, I am not one of them. Anyway, the kids are good and my mom is good I just wish I could get rid of this cough "HACK-HACK".


Anonymous said...

まず、あなたが必要に全くクリーンあなた ルイヴィトン
の靴を適切なスプレー。予定に簡単ようだ、ルイヴィトン バッグシンプルに一致。ドレス まで、それらまたは ガウン それらは、これらのダウン ビンテージ ルイヴィトン バッグ。
男性と女性 経験豊富な されて 感銘を によって、完全 トピック の やす シープスキン バッグによって伝達されます。

Anonymous said...

火星 来る チョコレート、黒と クリーム。 それです 作成 の 完全-シープスキンが並んでおり、クッションのエヴァの唯一と
コンフォート。 あなたが 潜在的 が 自問 なぜそれ 本当に です 識別 として"ugg のブート 脇 から 残り 機能、UGG のブーツはまた ファッショナブルな と シックな。