I mean hand on the hip, sticking her little butt up in the air and posing for an invisible camera. I didn't notice anything at first. I just thought she was trying to show me her shorts that she had on because she is always changing her clothes.
All of a sudden I look up at her hair and Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! I gasped loudly and almost woke my son up. She cut her bangs about a quarter inch from her scalp! About three fingers off of her forehead is practically shaved. I didn't know what to do or what to say to her. I just calmly said "Oh K***, Why?" She said "What? I had to get my eyes out of my bangs" I couldn't say a word because I had asked her the night before if she would let me cut her bangs and she told me maybe tomorrow. So this was probably my fault, I was the one that put the idea into her head. She asked me if I liked it, I said "Wellll, Do you ?" She said yep.
I then asked her if she wanted to get the back of 

her hair cut like the front. She told me no, so we looked up short haircuts on the Internet. She saw one that she liked it was a pixie haircut that was really, really short. I took her to the salon and the beautician talked me out of letting her get it cut that short. I told the woman just to do the best that she could with the mess. K*** sit stiller than I have ever seen her sit. I was proud of her (of course I would sit still too if my hair looked the way hers did).
I figure I will take pictures and save them either for blackmail or just a really, really good laugh one day. I am sure that her kids will love to see what their mommy did to her hair when she was four years old.
Here is her new haircut. Yeah she's still posing!
Nope I wanted it short very short. I even had Kara talked into it. You know how those beauticians are though, very persuasive.
Hey --
Check that out -- I know of someone doing this and they say it is legit.
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